About the Author

Danielle Riedel has had a lifelong passion for writing and storytelling. Her debut full-length novel, Smile and Walk Away, will be the first book of the Shatter series.


Danielle grew up outside of Philadelphia, PA. As a teenager, she frequently got in trouble for writing stories that were erotic, subversive, anti-establishment, violent, and politically controversial. Now 35 years old, Danielle still delights in writing such tales.


Danielle attended Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, NY, where she studied fiction writing, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, and marine biology. She earned her B.A. degree in 2004. Since then, she has been a bartender, a police cadet, a counselor, a waitress, an actress, and an author. She currently lives in center city Philadelphia with her husband, four quirky cats, and one very fast convertible.